Truth in Healthcare Lecture Series

Our Doctors are Available to Speak to Your Group

Are You a toxic waste dump?

Many of the degenerative diseases that we die from today have their roots in toxic exposure and toxin accumulation in the body.  Come and learn how toxins affect the body, where they come from, how they are detected, how to reduce your exposure and what can be done to rid the body of them before they cause poor health and you become another statistic.  Schedule our doctor at your next meeting.

Headache busters

Headaches of any kind can be very debilitating or at least an annoying distraction and can ruin your day or week!  There are a variety of potential causes from “text neck” to chemical toxicity.  An success in eradicating headache pain depends of medications.  Don’t let headaches and your dependence on medication control your life another day.  Learn about the various headache types, causes and natural approaches to handling this very common, but abnormal, malady.  Schedule a doctor to speak at your next meeting.

Too Hot...too Cold... Or Just Right?

Your Thyroid…Keeping your metabolic fires burning.  If you have interest in this lecture please let us know.  This lecture is being set to be released later this year.  Schedule a doctor to speak at your next meeting.

Office Address

36 Chestnut Road, Paoli, PA 19301

Email Us: (General Info) (Tech Info)

Phone: 610-644-5880
