It is springtime as I write this. That means that it is time for me to drop the few pounds gained over the winter. I mean we got cold weather, relative inactivity, holidays, family dinners of rich foods, parties, cookies. The numerous temptations of the holidays represent a real test of will power. Personally, I look at it from the viewpoint of “I only want to gain this much this year”. So, I’ve set some limits. It’s a start. Update: I only gained 10 pounds. This
was my limit. Now how am I going to lose it? After all I don’t want to be embarrassed when I’m in my swimwear this summer. First we need to look at how the weight is put on. I really like simple explanations for things, but sometimes the simple does not take into account all of the variables in a person’s physiology. The simple explanation for weight gain is too many calories in and not enough burned. While this may be true for some, it is not universally applicable. Let’s take a look at some of the other factors involved in weight gain/loss.

Curbing appetite and cravings really helps with weight loss. Where does the
hunger and cravings come from? Blood sugar instability. When we allow too
much time to pass between meals blood sugar goes down and our bodies turn on the hunger. We overeat to compensate (too many calories). The body
wonders when you will eat next time so it says “I better store some of these
calories because lord knows when I’ll get fed again”. Blood sugar is leveled out
by eating small snacks (grazing) every 2 hours and selecting foods that
breakdown slowly into sugar. Hormone imbalances can make weight loss harder than it needs to be. And it is not one hormone that is affected. All of your hormones must be balanced to

work in harmony. It is this balance that enables and promotes energy utilization and hence weight loss. You bodies inflammatory state also has an impact on hunger. When your inflammatory state is elevated it blocks the passage of a neuro-hormone to your brain that signals satiety (I’m full). In this case you are always hungry and never satisfied. That could pose a problem with weight loss. Habits also play a role. Food choices and quantity are important factors to examine. Questioning your habits and making the decision to eat less and of more nutritious foods is also part of the weight loss equation. Lack of exercise is another reason for weight gain. So exercise is important in weight loss. But, like anything else, there is such a thing as too much exercise. Too much exercise can cause inflammation which as we mentioned above is a roadblock to weight loss. So, what is too much? That is dependent on the person’s fitness level. The best exercise is light to moderate activity with longer duration as opposed to intense activity of short duration.
In summary, weight loss is about blood sugar stability, food choices, timing of meals, portion control, reducing inflammation and increasing activity. One thing is reliant upon the others. So, the solutions for weight loss are as
individual as we are. Making the choice to lose weight and actually losing the weight has a tremendous impact on your future health. Many disease processes arise from the very things that lead to weight gain. It is not the weight that is the problem, but rather the conditions that lead to the weight gain. Please speak with me if you have any questions or are ready to get your body functioning better and lose the weight. I can help you sort it all out. Just ask! It is probably one of the most important health decisions you can make.